These rates only apply to European Union Customers when travelling the EU
Since June 15 2017
Roam like home introduced. No extra fees. Basically same price as at home. But many exceptions. Read our FAQs page for more information.
If you pass the allowance explained here and here you will be charged (exkl. local taxes)
Maximum €7.7 per GB of data (2018: €6, 2019: €: 4.50, 2020: € 3.50, 2021: € 3, 2022: € 2.50)
Maximum €0.032 per minute of voice call
Maximum €0.01 per SMS
From April 30 2016 – June 14 2017
Outgoing voice call (per minute): domestic price + up to EUR 0.05
Incoming voice call (per minute): EUR 0.0108
Outgoing text (per sms message): domestic price + up to EUR 0.02
Online data download (per MB): domestic price + up to EUR 0.05
Prices without tax
Billing cycle voice: per second starting from 31st second
Billing cycle data: per 1 kilobyte starting from 1st kilobyte